WWOOFing it Up in Kiwiland: organic farming in New Zealand 2012

3 years later and life brings me back to New Zealand. This time for a longer period, for a different purpose, with a different outlook on life than last time. I hope what transpires from a few years of travelling as far and as wide as possible across this beautiful country is a basic but decent knowledge and experience in organic farming, self sustainable living, and food production. Come and join me, there's loads of room in the car.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Tah Dah! Today I planted my first lettuce....now let's see if it grows...

They grow lettuces hydroponically (without soil and only running water pumped with nutrients) and you buy them with the roots at the supermarket or local farmers shop. So because we have a food garden in the front garden of the office, I thought I'd bring mine in and see if it grows... watch this space...

Last night, San Ting dragged me along to film fundraiser of 'Earth Whisperers', organised by the West Auckland Green Party. I like it because it tells the stories of various political evo-movements in the last 40 odd years of New Zealand history and explores a variety of aspects of human interaction with the natural environment and how it holds the power to nourish us. However, sometimes we give up that power by forgetting it's there; we give up our rights to the land and it's nourishment to companies when we stop growing our own food in our gardens; and we exploit the environment for profit, and in extreme cases, destroy it completely.

Check out the trailer.

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